the blogger♥ "I can smell the freedom now"dis is wat i had post in my fb status
haha...mean tat my finals is going to the end...!!!
one more paper to kill before i smell the freedom
haha...yeah...the hols is waiting for me very very soon...
♥ holiday...cant wait for tat moment to arrive!!!
my all dear ji mui...i'm so damn missing you all...
we like couple weeks didn't meet up together d...
let's us go to shopping k...
i need to shop seriously..!!!
hv to start to plan for our outing d alrite?hehez...
i miss you all
♥♥♥i noe u all miss me too....xD
那天的日子慢慢地就要降临了我真的很担心很难想象那天会是怎样的情形很不想要看到那尴尬的场面但。。。就算几不想要...最终还是要面对事实的心。。。一直都在害怕着希望一切都会雨过天晴吧!!!我相信只要我们坚持着我们的信念不可能的事我们都能够去解决的。。。期待着~~~That's all for now.
Tis is a very brief update to attract my readers to come n click on my ads...=)
In addition,i need something to release my tension.
Entrepreneurship is driving me headache...
so many chapter hv to memorize...arghhh
last paper d still wn to treat me like tat
btw,God Bless Me!!!
k la...hv to continue do my entre revision d
stay tune for my next post
p/s:i miss you so much...♥